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Frequently asked questions

CategoryAntenatal Care (ANC)When to Ask
General InformationHow many months pregnant are you?Asked every time for Initial assessment and follow-ups
What was your Last Menstrual Period (LMP)?If EDD is requested / needed for response or during initial assessment/ also when user says not felt labour pain
What is your Estimated Date of Delivery (EDD)?Initial assessment or for labor predictions
Medical HistoryHave you had any complications during this pregnancy?Initial assessment and follow-ups
Please send us your medical reports or prescriptions you have.When discussing medical conditions or treatments
Diet/NutritionAre you currently taking any vitamins or supplements?Dietary assessment sessions
Symptoms and ComplaintsSite and character of any pain you're experiencing?When pain is mentioned
MedicationsWhat medications have you been prescribed, if any? Can you share your prescription with us to help you better?When discussing medical history or current symptoms
Follow-up and ClarificationCan you explain your question with more details, please?When queries are unclear
Other QueriesHave there been any changes to your regular activities due to pregnancy?During initial assessment and follow-ups
CategoryPostnatal Care (ANC)When to Ask
General InformationHow many days post-delivery are you?Initial assessment and follow-ups, when questions about bleeding, diet, size of tummy etc asked
Baby's current age?Every interaction post-delivery
Type of delivery?Initial assessment and follow-ups, when questions about bleeding, diet, size of tummy etc asked
Medical HistoryDate of delivery?First postnatal check
Please share your prescription.When discussing mother's post-delivery medications
Diet/NutritionHas the baby started on weaning foods?6-month check-up or dietary assessment
Symptoms and ComplaintsDuration and character of any post-delivery bleeding?Post-delivery assessments or when bleeding is mentioned
MedicationsWho prescribed these postnatal medicines?When postnatal medications are discussed
Baby InformationPlease share a photo of the baby for any skin-related queries.When assessing skin conditions or physical complaints
Baby's weight at birth and current weight?During check-ups or if there are concerns about baby's growth
HospitalizationAre you still in the hospital?Immediate post-delivery period
Follow-up and ClarificationCan you clarify if you're asking about the baby or mother?When queries are unclear
FeedingAre you breastfeeding, or is the baby on formula milk?Every pediatric interaction
Family PlanningAre you interested in discussing contraception?During postpartum checks or when family planning is mentioned
Other QueriesHow is your menstrual cycle now post-delivery?Post-delivery check-ups or when menstrual concerns arise