--------------------- Exotel --------------------- .. currentmodule:: exotelpy.exotel .. IMPORTANT:: Please refer to linked `Exotel API docs `_ for more details .. autoclass:: Exotel .. rubric:: Campaigns .. automethod:: create_campaign .. automethod:: create_campaign_with_list .. automethod:: get_campaign_details .. automethod:: delete_campaign .. automethod:: get_campaign_call_details .. automethod:: get_bulk_campaign_details .. rubric:: Contacts .. automethod:: create_contacts .. automethod:: get_contact_details .. automethod:: delete_contact .. automethod:: delete_contacts .. rubric:: Lists .. automethod:: create_list .. automethod:: add_contacts_to_list .. automethod:: delete_list .. automethod:: get_list_details .. automethod:: get_bulk_lists .. automethod:: get_list_contacts .. rubric:: SMS Campaigns .. DANGER:: SMS Campaign Methods will be soon deprecated as Exotel has deprecated the endpoint .. automethod:: create_sms_campaign .. automethod:: create_sms_campaign_with_list .. automethod:: create_message_campaign .. automethod:: create_message_campaign_with_list .. automethod:: get_sms_campaign_details .. automethod:: get_bulk_sms_campaign_details .. automethod:: get_sms_campaign_sms_details .. rubric:: SMS .. automethod:: get_sms_details .. automethod:: send_bulk_sms .. rubric:: Exophones .. automethod:: get_all_exophones .. automethod:: get_exophone_details .. automethod:: get_exophone_heartbeat