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India RES Signup

Required parameters

Key Value
phoneNumber Pass the phone number that needs to be onboarded to RES
dueDate This is the due date that will be used to schedule the RES Campaign for the user.
referenceMobileNumber This is the mobile number that was previously signed up to our service using RCH data and is now being referenced.
state This will be the state in which the user resides.
language This language code specifies the language that will be used to set the language preference of the user for the RES campaign.
program This is the program for which the user will be registered.
conditionArea This specifies the condition area of the user, which will be stored in the backend as part of the user’s preferences.
callId This is a unique call ID generated for the user, which is required by the API.
apiUrl This is the URL of the API endpoint that will be invoked to onboard the user to RES.